Beat the Heat and Keep Cool When Travelling to Singapore

Beat the Heat and Keep Cool When Travelling to Singapore

Travelling to Singapore is a delightful experience, but the tropical climate can be challenging for those unaccustomed to high temperatures and humidity. The city-state, located near the equator, enjoys a warm climate year-round, with temperatures averaging between 25°C (77°F) and 31°C (88°F). Here are some practical tips to help you stay cool and enjoy your trip to Singapore.

1. Dress Appropriately

One of the simplest ways to combat the heat is by dressing appropriately. Lightweight clothing made from breathable fabrics like linen or cotton is ideal. We recommend avoiding dark colours, as they absorb heat. Don’t forget to wear a hat or cap and sunglasses to protect your face and eyes from the sun.

2. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is a common risk in hot climates, so it’s crucial to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it whenever possible. Most public places in Singapore, including parks and shopping centres, have water fountains.

Additionally, consider incorporating hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits like watermelon, oranges, and cucumbers.

3. Utilise Air-Conditioned Spaces

Singapore is well-equipped with air-conditioned facilities, providing ample opportunities to escape the heat. Shopping malls, museums, and public transportation systems like the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) are all air-conditioned.

When planning your itinerary, include visits to air-conditioned attractions such as:

  • Gardens by the Bay: Explore the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome, both of which are climate-controlled indoor gardens.
  • National Gallery Singapore: Discover Southeast Asian art while enjoying the cool indoor environment.
  • Marina Bay Sands: Spend time at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, an air-conditioned shopping complex with a wide variety of stores and dining options.

If you’re looking for an alternative to public transportation, you can book our private car to JB and Singapore, which is air-conditioned as well.

4. Plan Outdoor Activities Wisely

If you’re planning outdoor activities, try to schedule them during the cooler parts of the day, either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The midday sun can be intense, so it’s best to avoid outdoor activities during this time. For example:

  • Botanic Gardens: Visit early in the morning when temperatures are lower and the gardens are less crowded.
  • Sentosa Island: Explore the beaches or attractions like Universal Studios Singapore later in the afternoon or evening.

5. Use Sun Protection

Applying sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply it every two hours, especially if you’re sweating or swimming.

Additionally, consider using an umbrella or parasol for extra shade when walking outdoors.

6. Cool Down with Refreshing Treats

Singapore offers a variety of refreshing treats to help you cool down. Here are some local favourites:

  • Ice Kacang: A popular dessert made of shaved ice topped with sweet syrups, red beans, jelly, and corn.
  • Cendol: A sweet treat consisting of shaved ice, coconut milk, palm sugar syrup, and green jelly noodles.
  • Fresh Fruit Juices: Available at hawker centres and juice bars, fresh fruit juices like watermelon, lime, and coconut water are perfect for staying hydrated and refreshed.

7. Take Advantage of Water Activities

Engaging in water activities is a great way to beat the heat. Singapore has several options for water-based fun:

  • Adventure Cove Waterpark: Located on Sentosa Island, Adventure Cove is one of the best water theme parks in Singapore, featuring water slides, a lazy river, and a wave pool.
  • East Coast Park: Rent a kayak or paddleboard and enjoy the sea breeze while exploring the coastline.
  • Public Swimming Pools: Singapore has numerous public swimming pools that are well-maintained and affordable, providing a refreshing escape from the heat.

8. Choose Accommodations with Cooling Amenities

When booking your stay in Singapore, consider accommodations with amenities designed to keep you cool. Look for hotels with:

  • Air-Conditioned Rooms: Essential for a comfortable night’s sleep.
  • Swimming Pools: Great for a quick dip to cool off after a day of sightseeing.
  • Proximity to Public Transportation: Easy access to air-conditioned MRT stations and buses.

9. Utilise Cooling Products

There are several cooling products available that can help you stay comfortable in the heat:

  • Cooling Towels: These towels can be soaked in water, wrung out, and placed around your neck for an instant cooling effect.
  • Portable Fans: Battery-operated or rechargeable fans are handy for providing a personal breeze.
  • Cooling Sprays: Sprays that can be applied to the skin to create a cooling sensation.

10. Adjust to the Climate Gradually

If you’re coming from a cooler climate, give yourself time to acclimate to Singapore’s weather. Avoid strenuous activities on your first day, and take it easy as your body adjusts. Spend more time in air-conditioned environments initially and gradually increase your time spent outdoors.

11. Be Mindful of Heat-Related Illnesses

Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions that can occur in hot climates. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache. If you experience these symptoms, move to a cooler place, hydrate, and rest.

Heatstroke, which is more severe, requires immediate medical attention. Some coomon symptoms include high body temperature, confusion, rapid pulse, and possible unconsciousness. Always seek medical help if you suspect heatstroke.


Travelling to Singapore is a rewarding experience with its blend of modern attractions, cultural heritage, and culinary delights. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to explore all that Singapore has to offer while staying cool and comfortable.

What are you waiting for? Book our private car from Singapore to JB and vice versa, and have the time of your life!