Tips for Keeping Your Money Safe While Travelling Abroad

Tips for Keeping Your Money Safe While Travelling Abroad

Travelling abroad can be an enriching experience filled with new cultures, landscapes, and adventures. However, managing money while travelling can be challenging.

Keeping your money safe is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip. Here are some essential tips for safeguarding your finances while you explore the world.

1. Diversify Your Payment Methods 

Relying on a single form of payment can be risky. Diversify your options by carrying a mix of cash, credit cards, and debit cards. Each method has its advantages and can be useful in different situations. For instance, cash is essential for small purchases in night markets or in areas where card payments are not accepted. Credit cards are convenient for larger transactions and often offer fraud protection, while debit cards can be used to withdraw local currency from ATMs.

2. Notify Your Bank and Credit Card Companies

Before you depart, inform your bank and credit card companies about your travel plans. This notification helps prevent your cards from being frozen due to suspicious activity. Most banks allow you to set travel notifications online or through their mobile apps. Ensure you provide accurate details about your destinations and travel dates to avoid any inconveniences.

3. Use ATMs Wisely

Using ATMs abroad can be convenient, but it’s essential to do so wisely. Stick to ATMs located in secure, well-lit areas, preferably inside banks or reputable establishments. Avoid standalone ATMs in secluded or poorly lit areas. Inspect the ATM for any signs of tampering, such as loose parts or unusual attachments, which could indicate a skimming device. When entering your PIN, shield the keypad to prevent anyone from seeing your code.

4. Keep Emergency Cash Separate

In case of emergencies, it’s wise to keep a small amount of cash separate from your main wallet. This stash can be hidden in a secure location, such as a money belt, a hidden pocket in your clothing, or a secondary wallet. Emergency cash can be a lifesaver if you lose your primary wallet or fall victim to theft.

5. Secure Your Belongings

Pickpocketing and theft are common risks in many tourist destinations. To minimise these risks, invest in secure travel gear. Anti-theft bags with slash-resistant straps, locking zippers, and hidden pockets can deter thieves. When exploring busy areas, keep your bag close to your body and avoid carrying valuables in easily accessible pockets.

6. Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi 

Public Wi-Fi networks are convenient but not always secure. Avoid accessing sensitive informatio like online shopping and banking over public Wi-Fi. If you need to use the internet for such purposes, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your data and protect your privacy. VPNs create a secure connection, making it difficult for hackers to intercept your information.

7. Monitor Your Accounts Regularly

Regularly monitoring your bank and credit card accounts can help you quickly identify any unauthorised transactions. Set up account alerts to receive notifications of any unusual activity. Many banks offer real-time alerts via email or text messages, keeping you informed and allowing you to take immediate action if needed.

8. Be Wary of Scams

Scams targeting tourists are prevalent in many parts of the world. Be cautious of individuals offering unsolicited help or deals that appear too good to be true. Common scams include fake police officers demanding fines, street vendors selling counterfeit goods, and taxi drivers overcharging tourists. Research common scams in your destination and stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to such tactics.

9. Keep Copies of Important Documents 

Having copies of your important documents can be invaluable if your originals are lost or stolen. Make photocopies of your passport, driver’s license, credit cards, and travel insurance. It is best to store these copies separately from the originals and consider keeping digital copies in a secure, cloud-based storage service. Having these copies can expedite the replacement process and provide proof of identity when needed.

10. Use Hotel Safes

Many hotels offer in-room safes where you can store your valuables. Use these safes to secure items such as extra cash, passports, and electronics. However, be cautious and avoid over-relying on hotel safes, as they may not always be completely secure. If you have high-value items, consider using the hotel’s main safe or leaving them at home.

11. Travel Insurance

Investing in travel insurance is a smart move for any traveller. Comprehensive travel insurance can cover a range of issues, including lost or stolen belongings, medical emergencies, and trip cancellations. Ensure your policy covers theft and loss of money and personal items. Having travel insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection in case of unexpected events.

12. Stay Informed

Before you travel, research your destination to understand the local customs, laws, and safety concerns. Knowledge about the area can help you avoid risky situations and stay aware of your surroundings. Stay informed about any travel advisories or updates from your government or local authorities during your trip.


By following these tips, you can safeguard your money and enjoy a worry-free travel experience. Being prepared and vigilant allows you to focus on the adventures and memories that make travelling abroad truly special. Safe travels!

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