5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Visiting Malaysia

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Visiting Malaysia

Malaysia is a beautiful and fun-thrilled country to visit. There are many amazing and breathtaking sceneries, which you will find here. Many tourists love to come down to Malaysia during the holiday season, and there is no reason why you should not do the same. If you are unsure of how to get there, there is private transport from Singapore to Malaysia available for hire. You can also travel comfortably with a private means just by liaising with a reliable travelling agency. With that said, here are five reasons why you should consider going on a trip to Malaysia.

Cultural diversity

There is a combination of Asian cultures present in Malaysia, besides the colonial influences. The rich culture of the Malaysian people is enough reason to visit the country. Asian ethnicities have also settled throughout Malaysia and diversified the culture of the country. Malays make up about half of the country’s population, Chinese make up about a third, and the Indian community in Malaysia is has a strong presence. However, the Orang Asli people, a Malaysian indigenous community, still cover about 12% of the population. These communities living harmoniously together in Malaysia is what gives the country its vibrant heritage and culture.

Due to the amazing island and beaches

If the culture does not turn your neck to Malaysia, then the Islands and beaches will.  Malaysia is a tropical country with a hot climate and kilometres of coastline, so the abundance of beaches should come as no surprise. The country has miles of coastline that ensures there are enough beaches for visiting tourists and even the locals. As much as the beaches on the coastline are popular, many love the Islands more. Most tourists love to visit the iconic Islands present in the region. Langkawi is the best place to enjoy a relaxing beach holiday with shopping and dining. If you are searching for a more remote, less popular getaway with tourists, Redang is a scenic island that is filled with turtles.


For animal lovers, there is something for you too. Much of Malaysia provides free and ready land for wild animals to roam. Much of Malaysia is underdeveloped, allowing free-roaming of wildlife. Taman Negara National Park is among the best spots to enjoy wildlife in its natural environment. The Taman Negara National Park has to be the most famous one to visit as an international tourist. Here, you can check out all the brilliant wildlife, from the countless birds, insects, monkeys, deer and tapirs, among many others. You might be able to see even larger animals in Borneo, and guided tours with animals such as elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses and orangutans can get you up close and personal.

Extreme sports

There are tons of extreme sporting activities to indulge in Malaysia. Some of the most popular include diving and skiing. Take your time and learn how to dive with the various available classes present. Sipidan, regarded as being one of the best diving sites in the world, is just off the tip of Malaysia’s Borneo. Diving in the safe waters of Sipidan is restricted to just a selected number of individuals every day, providing the opportunity to see animals like tortoises, barracudas and sharks. If you can’t reach Sipidan, there are also amazing islands like Redang and Tioman for you to visit, however, their diving seasons are much more limited.

Modern and ancient architecture

Malaysia has a rich diversity of architecture; from both the present and past. The buildings have eye-catchy designs and are attractive for camera moments. Kuala Lumpur is a wonderful place to appreciate Malaysia’s more modernist architecture, especially the contemporary high rises that are established as one of Asia’s most famous skyscrapers. If possible, take some time in the district known as the Golden Triangle to view the Petronas Twin Towers. They were once the world’s highest skyscrapers and are now linked by a sky bridge. The Petronas Twin Towers are only a short walk from other amazing buildings such as the KL Tower as well as its viewing deck.

Cultures from all over the globe have inspired and colonized Malaysia. Malaysia’s closeness to China indicates that Malaysia is home to a colourful heritage and ancient architecture that was inspired by the Chinese. Through visiting one of the Chinatowns in Malaysia, the biggest of which is in George Town, you can feel this impact first-hand. You can visit Kuan Yin Teng Temple which is a 200 years old temple in George Town’s Chinatown.

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